I drove in last evening to a troubled storm a'wailing. It beat against the walls and shook my humble home like a child with a fragile plaything. My truck and I have been through worse, but eventually things give in. Some branches and blowing debris made a hole and everything was flooded; my clothes and bedding and such. Eventually, it settled down awhile, I climbed inside a sleeping bag and managed to keep somewhat dry and sleep through the howl. However, waking up in standing water, to 30 degree, Indiana weather, with a flooded suitcase and an endless selection of wet clothes to put on, brings a whole new level of understanding to the phrase, "I hate waking up in standing water, to 30 degree, Indiana weather, with a flooded suitcase and an endless selection of wet clothes to put on." My windshild is still broken, but the living space is cleaned out and re-weatherproofed. I had to plug some violent wounds, but a quick $100 and liquid rubber go a long way. Tess took a pretty nasty beating. I love that truck.
I'm excited to play St Louis tonight. It's been 8 months since my last visit and I'm glad to be back. Besides, it'll be good to get on stage again. This tour has been amazing, but doing 2-3 radio shows a day and never setting foot on stage for a live show feels restricting. I've had a great time and the promotion is fantastic - I just love the freedom of live performance.
Here's something weird - I wanted to see my Grandpa's hometown, so was traveling through the mountains of West Virginia on my way to Indiana. Way up in the mountains of nowhereville, WV, I came across this museum. It was probably 15 miles away from anything and around 10pm. There was clearly no one there, but I stopped in anyway and found that there were no locks on the door - so I went in. What a weird little place; full of strange things and quirky little inventions. There were no lights, so I was using a flashlight, but the whole place was done in some pretty elaborate collages, glass mosaics, and strange tile jobs. I probably spent an hour or so there. What a weird little hole in the Blue Ridge Mountains...they had a car that you could lift with a pully...no joke...there was a car in there...
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